Titanium and titanium alloys in the wet chlorine gas corrosion resistance than other common metals, this is because with a strong oxidizing action of chlorine, titanium pumps and titanium alloys can be in wet chlorine stable passive state, in order to maintain the chlorine in the titanium obtuse nature, requires a certain moisture content. Critical moisture and oxygen pressure, flow rate, temperature and other factors, but also with the shape and size oftitanium alloy and titanium equipment or machinery parts related to the degree of damage to the surface, therefore, the literature on critical water content of titanium in oxygen passivation is inconsistent is generally believed that the mass fraction of 0.01% to 0.05% titanium alloy pump in oxygen as the critical water content, but the actual experience that in order to ensure the safe use of titanium equipment in oxygen, and sometimes the water mass fraction of 0.6% also enough, requiring up to 1.5%. Critical water content also varies with temperature and air velocity chlorine decrease increase accordingly. Actual operating experience also shows that the surface oxide film of titanium and titanium alloys destroyed, requiring a higher water content in order to make re-passivation of titanium and titanium alloys.