
Industrial applications of the titanium pump

Industrial applications: ( 1 ) the use of one-way shape memory effect of a one-way shape recovery . Such as pipe fittings, antenna , rings and so on. ( 2 ) extrinsic two-way memory recovery. Namely the use titanium alloy casting of one-way shape memory effect and lifting to do with the titanium pump temperature outside help repeated actions, such as heat-sensitive components, robots, terminals , etc. ( 3 ) intrinsic two-way memory recovery. Namely the use of two-way memory effect with temperature titanium alloy pump elevating do repeated actions, such as heat engines , thermal components. But such applications titanium pump faster memory decay , poor reliability , not titanium pump commonly used. ( 4 ) ultra- flexible application . Such as springs , terminal, eyeglass frames and so on. Medical Applications : biocompatibility TiNi alloy good use of its shape memory effect and superelasticity medical instances considerable . If the filter thrombosis , spinal orthopedic rods, titanium alloy casting tooth orthopedic wire, cerebral aneurysm titanium pump clips, plates , intramedullary nail , artificial joints, contraceptive devices , cardiac repair components, artificial kidneys using a titanium pump.Tech applications Outlook: The 20th century was the era of mechanical and electrical science . Sensing - IC - driving is the most typical mechanical and electronic control systems, but the complexity and huge .

