Scientists pointed out that the human body functions such as metabolism, energy conversion , resistance to diseases, cardiovascular , nervous , reproductive and other functions , ge participation. Germanium in the traditional anti-aging medicine, such as high ginseng , Ganoderma lucidum , wolfberry content and believe anti-aging and pharmacological effects of ginseng , and germanium content related . After the 1970s , with the research results of clear , organic germanium , becoming " star shocked the world medical community ." Since it is no longer seen as a simple germanium semiconductor material . Germanium can be anti -virus, kill bacteria , strengthen the immune system , stimulate white blood cells, regulate cholesterol , for human health and enhance disease prevention to contribute
Germanium is the first 32 elements , atomic weight 72.59 . Germanium has long been used in many areas of modern high-tech communications, computer , space development , energy use , and now found that germanium has hydrogen ions combine with the body the ability to discharge urine or sweat way to enhance the body of oxygen supply , accelerate metabolism and delay cell aging.
There are many physiological functions of germanium . So extend the life of laboratory animals is the most powerful anti-aging indicators . Experiments show that the amino acid germanium oxide can extend the life of fruit flies and the highest average life expectancy . Organic germanium metabolites of anti-aging body's role , it is conducive to anti-aging.
Even a small amount of pure germanium , but also can enhance the body's energy production. It can improve the utilization of oxygen , can hypoxia, the damaged cells to regain control of their homeostasis . Basic and clinical cancer research organic germanium , have been widely reported abroad . Organic Germanium can induce cells to secrete interleukin and interferon, stimulate the host 's defenses against cancer
Germanium also has high whitening Beauty youthful effect can be made from a variety of skin care products, during pregnancy or abnormal pigmentation caused by sun spots with aplomb scavenging effect , but also the treatment of acne , eczema and underarm odor ..#Titanium_Graphite_Mold_Castings,#Titanium_Casting_Golf_Heads,Titanium Welded Tubes,Titanium bicycle frames,#Titanium_alloy_sheets,Titanium alloy valve,Titanium sheets#Aerospace_investment_castings,Titanium investment castings Sunrui
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