
Basic knowledge of titanium oxide - titanium tetrachloride titanium alloy pump

Titanium tetrachloride is an interesting liquid , which has a pungent smell shares , will be great in the wet air

white smoke - it is hydrolyzed into white sunrui titanium alloy pump titanium dioxide hydrogel . In the military , people took advantage of

titanium tetrachloride, which shares a strange temper, as artificial aerosols. Especially in the ocean , water vapor

and more, a release of titanium tetrachloride, a white smoke as the Great Wall , blocking the enemy's line of sight.

In agriculture, the use of titanium tetrafluoride people to frost .

Titanium oxide basic knowledge - barium titanate

Barium titanate crystals have such characteristics : when it changes shape under pressure , generates electricity, a

power will change shape. Thus , the barium titanate in an ultrasonic people , and it will produce a current pressure

, the size of the current generated by it can detect the strength of the ultrasonic wave . Conversely , a high

frequency current through it , it can generate an ultrasonic wave. Now , almost all of the ultrasonic instrument, to

be used in barium titanate . sunrui sunrui titanium precision casting In addition, there are many uses of barium titanate . For example: railway workers put

it on the tracks below , to measure the pressure when the train passed ; doctors use it made ​​of pulse logger. Barium

titanate to do with underwater detectors, underwater eye is sharp , it is not only able to see the fish , but also

you can see the reef , icebergs and Sunrui aerospace investment casting enemy submarines under the water and so on .

