
Titanium and titanium alloy pump foundry in magnetic

Improve the liquid metal is poured into the mold but also by the pressure of the electromagnetic force to the liquid metal up to achieve this is to magnetic casting. Its basic principle is the magnetic titanium alloy pump installed in the runner through titanium casting process the outer liquid metal to create a magnetic field; while the DC also introduced into this already established metal flow field, in the alternating magnetic field and electric field, forming a liquid metal flow of the same direction and the electromagnetic force, thereby increasing the pressure of the liquid metal filling the mold. This approach allows the flow rate of the metal in the cavity only by the titanium alloy pump flow rate of the sprue in the ram effect of the titanium alloy pump metal is increased from 2 to 2.5 times higher than the stationary casting. When using this method has several casting should be noted:
1 After pouring liquid metal into the runner must maintain the continuity of the metal flow, the middle can not stop there. So we must pay great attention to the runner to select titanium pumps the size of the design and the electromagnetic titanium alloy pump and current values.
2 magnetic titanium alloy pump should be placed as far as possible at the level of the runner, but this system can reduce the consumption of casting metal.

